Details of class closures in August & September.
Established in 2013, Aikido Kenshin-Kai is a small but closely knit community of Aikidokas in Singapore who strive not only for martial effectiveness but for the art to mould the character within.
Details of class closures in August & September.
Please note that there are no classes on the following dates:
Here's wishing all our Muslim friends Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri :)
In celebration of Bishan Community Club's 20th Anniversary, Aikido Kenshin-Kai was invited to present a short Demo. A team led by Instructor Stanley Ang introduced to the audience a condensed version of a typical training session at our dojos.
Last Sunday, at a ceremony organised by Hokuso Aikikai in memory of Yamada Shihan, Kelly Sensei received his 6th Dan certificate from Tada Shihan. Here are some highlights.