Every August, Aikido Kenshin-Kai is privileged to host our technical adviser Hironobu Yamada Shihan, who flies into Singapore from Japan to share with us his wealth of Aikido knowledge and wisdom. Ordinarily,  the  Training  Seminar  is  only  open  to  our  Adult  members.  But,  this  year, we  are introducing a special one hour session for Kenshin-Kai’s children members, so that they too, may have the opportunity to train with Yamada Sensei and add some ‘zing’ to their Aikido training at Kenshin-Kai.

Details of the Special Training Session are as follows:

When:    15th August 2015, Saturday

Time:      10:00 am - 11:00 am

Where:    Bishan Community Club, Ground Floor, Multi-purpose Hall,        
                51 Bishan Street 13, Singapore 579799 

How much:  $20 per child 

If you would like to enroll your child for this Special Training Session, kindly register with your respective Dojo Instructors.  

Nearest Train Station: Bishan 
(The Community Club is located opposite the bus interchange, where you will see Starbucks. And the multi-purpose hall is right next to Starbucks)


Disclaimer: This event is open to members of the Aiki Friends community, and members of the Aikido Kenshin-Kai family of dojos only.